Renee Prisble Una


Home | Resume | Temporary Projects | Somatic Building 2002 | Synapse 2002 | Pool 2002 | Davies Building 2001 | Impressions 2001 | Constellation 2002 | 1240 N. Homan 2000 | Conscious Rythmns 2002 | Als das Kind Kind wa 2002 | Skin & Skin 2002 | Other Work 1997- 2001 | Links

Here are some website that are intersting, funny, or weird.

Visual Thesaurus

The Visual Thesaurus is a beautiful site that visualizes the relationships in our language.

They Rule

This is a beautiful site that visualizes the relationships between our government and commerce.


Super Bad

Not as bad as it sounds.

Exquisite Corpse


Evolutionary Girls Club

Artists and Activists

Fort Drastic

An intelligent, hilarious and delicious mid 20's male perspective. Have it with your coffee and bagle


Funniest Flash movies.


My Flash peice. You need to have the sound on.